Global Coalition Launches Initiative to Establish Universal Indoor Air Quality Standards: Global Open Air Quality Standards (GO AQS)

A diverse global coalition of scientists, air quality experts, and industry leaders has united to establish the Global Open Air Quality Standards (GO AQS), an unprecedented initiative aimed at creating universal indoor air quality (IAQ) standards.  This groundbreaking effort seeks to ensure that everyone, regardless of location or socio-economic status, has access to the knowledge and tools needed to enhance their health and well-being through improved air quality.

GO AQS will serve as an authoritative and comprehensive resource for scientists, engineers, public health officials, businesses, and policymakers worldwide. By providing accessible, consistent and clear, standardised guidelines for IAQ, it empowers people to make informed decisions about their living and working environments, directly impacting health and productivity.

IAQ significantly affects our health, cognitive function, and overall productivity. Poor indoor air can exacerbate respiratory conditions, increase the risk of cardiovascular problems, and contribute to reduced work performance. Establishing universal air quality standards is a critical step in ensuring equitable access to clean and healthy air globally.

The coalition comprises experts from different fields including public health, environmental science, epidemiology, occupational health, engineering, and air quality research. Together, they are dedicated to developing GO AQS standards that are both scientifically robust and practical for implementation across diverse settings. These standards will address a wide range of indoor pollutants, including particulate matter (PM and PCN), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), and formaldehyde (CH2O), which are known to have significant adverse effects on human health and environment.

Piera Systems is pleased to be an ambassador supporting this initiative and will be implementing the new standards utilizing our industry leading Particle Sensors, Air Quality Monitors and SenseiAQ Software.    

GO AQS aims to be a valuable tool for the public, private sector, and academia alike. Organisations that adopt these standards can enhance the health and well-being of their employees and customers, while simultaneously reducing their environmental footprint. This initiative also supports broader sustainability goals by promoting healthier indoor environments.

While air quality interrogators and manufacturers are supportive of the overall goals of GO AQS, there are areas where the draft version requires further refinement to ensure its practical implementation. We remain committed to working collaboratively with all stakeholders to finalise a version of GO AQS that is both effective and feasible for the industry. Therefore, the coalition is currently finalising the GO AQS standards and developing educational materials to facilitate their global implementation. The official launch is anticipated in December 2024, marking a significant milestone in the global effort to prioritise IAQ.

Joining the GO AQS Coalition offers a unique opportunity to be part of a transformative initiative that redefines the way we approach ΙΑQ. Coalition members will collaborate with leading experts to develop and implement standards that will benefit communities worldwide, driving a healthier, more sustainable future.

For more information and to learn how you can contribute, please visit